This Oral History archive is created by two Iranian-Canadian scholars who were born after the 1979 revolution. This archive reflects our own curiosity about what it meant to live through the revolution.

Azar Masoumi is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Carleton University. Azar’s areas of research include the politics of state-controlled refugee protection and the interface between historical change, alternative historiographies and embodied memory.
Ronak Ghorbani is a PhD Candidate (ABD) in the Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change, York University. Her research focuses on diasporic Iranian women’s life histories by exploring relationships between engagement with arts, political practices, experiences of revolution and migration.
This archive was created with the generous support of a Carleton University-SSHRC Knowledge Mobilization Exchange grant (2020-2021) and the warm mentorship of the Carleton Centre for Public History. We are also thankful for the brilliant work of our research assistant.